Since health organizations and insurance companies exclude extreme sports from their contracts and cover, we have created our own sports insurance. As an athlete, risk is part of the game. While accidents can have many causes, it's always the same question:
Am I insured?
Will I be covered if I practice abroad?
Will I be held liable if I cause bodily injury or even disability to a third party?
Federation, association, club, home, school, family, providence, accidents of life: what about insurance in these contracts?
Since club and association presidents and other sports managers are struggling to find solutions, I decided to create an all-inclusive contract. With 3 formulas and for less than €10 a day, I enable all athletes, amateur or professional, to practice their sport with complete peace of mind. As a partner in your passion, Assure Ton Sport covers nearly 400 sporting disciplines worldwide! Whether you're a member of an association, a licensee of a federation or not, we can support you in your leisure activities, training and competitions abroad with a complete turnkey service.
“We are well aware of the risks involved in your sports and the potential consequences, such as injury and bodily harm. Our guarantees offer optimum multi-risk protection, including medical transport, even from your place of residence, and repatriation at actual expense, as well as coverage for medical, rehabilitation, search and rescue expenses, legal protection and a disability/death benefit. Thanks to the Assure Ton Sport team.”
Our policy is designed to meet your needs. We understand the diversity of your sports and are committed to providing the right coverage for every athlete and sports team.
We offer comprehensive bodily injury and disability protection, covering injuries and after-effects that may occur while practicing a high-risk sport.
Enjoy unrivalled peace of mind with insurance that covers all aspects of your motor sport (excluding third-party liability). Concentrate fully on your passion.
Every sport has its share of iconic stars. Brands, for their part, are keen to convey their image to the best. Sometimes, it is the athletes themselves who sing the praises of a brand.