We offer scuba diving insurance tailored to your needs

Healthcare expenses

Up to €150,000, providing unmatched peace of mind. Engaging in this activity can lead to physical injuries requiring expensive medical care.

Options for “Competition” and “Professional Athlete”

For the diver seeking performance, specific options are available to meet this need. Regardless of your level, our contract is adapted to you.

Transport and repatriation

At actual costs in case of an accident during scuba diving. When practicing this sport, you must be prepared for the risks.


Up to €200,000 per diver. This guarantee is a priority for athletes concerned about their health. In the case of severe physical injuries, this protection ensures optimal coverage.

Why is scuba diving insurance essential?

Injuries caused by an accident during a high-risk activity can have serious consequences. Every year, hundreds of divers choose us for optimal coverage against bodily harm. We understand that scuba diving is a dangerous sport, and it is with this in mind that we have developed our insurance. Divers face constant dangers during their underwater expeditions, and the fear of accidents should not prevent them from enjoying their passion. Our insurance coverage allows divers to practice their favorite sport with peace of mind. Whether you are diving solo or in a group, our policy provides comprehensive protection.
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Recognized expertise in scuba diving insurance

Our insurance has received positive reviews from divers who appreciate the peace of mind our coverage provides. Whether you are in France or traveling across the world for your diving sessions, we can cover you in the event of an accident. Our insurance solutions come with various options to meet all your needs, whether for intensive training or high-level competitions.


The main benefits of scuba diving insurance lie in the comprehensive coverage it provides to ensure divers' safety against the various underwater risks. A good diver's insurance covers medical expenses in case of an accident, including the hyperbaric treatment required after a decompression incident. It also offers coverage for emergency repatriation, providing essential peace of mind when practicing this high-risk sport. Furthermore, an insurer specialized in scuba diving offers specific guarantees tailored to the unique conditions of this activity, allowing divers to focus on their passion without worry.

The Assure Ton Sport scuba diving insurance policy ensures the safety of divers at all levels by providing optimal coverage against accidents, both in France and worldwide. In case of international travel, the insurance card ensures quick coverage of medical expenses and potential emergency evacuations, providing peace of mind anywhere in the world. Our experts advise divers to always check their equipment before each dive and to undergo continuous training to stay up to date with the best practices in the sport. They also recommend never diving alone and respecting depth and dive time limits. By following these safety measures, the risks associated with this sport can be significantly reduced.

The policy offered by Assure Ton Sport does not include civil liability coverage. This individual accident insurance focuses on the insured person and does not cover damage caused to third parties. Although many companies, such as DiveAssure, offer a wide range of services, civil liability in the event of an incident involving other people is not always included. Divers should therefore be aware that they could be responsible for the costs associated with damages caused to third parties.

For a mortgage borrower, subscribing to scuba diving insurance, such as those offered by DiveAssure or Assure Ton Sport, offers several significant advantages. Even though they do not cover civil liability, these insurances protect the borrower from potential costs related to physical damage sustained while practicing this activity. Additionally, they include search and medical assistance services in case of an accident, ensuring quick and effective coverage of healthcare expenses. This coverage allows the borrower to focus on their passion for diving while safeguarding their financial interests related to their mortgage.

Yes, the scuba diving insurance offered by Assure Ton Sport includes access to a decompression chamber as part of the medical assistance. Diver safety is a priority, and in the event of a diving-related emergency, the medical assistance guarantee provides access to hyperbaric treatment. This ensures that your health is optimally cared for, with quick and appropriate interventions if needed.